Every child counts – the DAHR information programme for schooling is starting

Every child counts – the DAHR information programme for schooling is starting

The most important tool for ensuring the long-term continuity of the Hungarian minority in Romania is the mother tongue education. – declared Kovacs Peter on January 17, 2012, after the meeting of the General Secretariat.

The Secretary General of the Alliance declared that the DAHR is starting an information programme under the slogan “Every child counts”. The aim of the programme is to encourage Hungarian or ethnically mixed families to enroll their children in Hungarian schools. In the last decade, no year passed without new Hungarian classes were initiated, but this only count if enough Hungarian children learn in them. – stressed Kovacs. Our information and awareness campaign regarding the referendum has proven to us that we can have results only if we work together as a community, and in this sense we would kindly ask for the support and help of the media, civic and youth organizations, as well as the church – underlined the Secretary General as ending of his speech.

Magyari Tivadar, deputy secretary general responsible for education, informed that in the next days and weeks the DAHR will organize an information and media campaign aiming to draw the attention of the Hungarian families on the advantages of the native language education. The experience has proven that it is much easier to learn anything in our mother tongue, and in parallel, the Romanian language can also be learned appropriately. – declared Magyari, adding: the native language education is the most effective way to ensure, from community and institutional point of view, the necessary support for the individuals.

The presentation of the secretary general also stressed that the national campaign is also supplemented by regional and local activities. As such, the DAHR will discuss with every mediator (schools, teachers, parents, church), who will carry out the message of the importance of the native language education from door to door, from family to family.

The initiative integrates in the community-building programme of the Secretary General of DAHR.

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